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[Player Culture] The Ostven
Started by kdeeks



01 Jan 2025
Last Seen
10 Jan 2025

The Ostven



Birthed from a pious and intellectually inclined sect of the northerner tribes following the great collapse, the Ostvenians have postured themselves toward regality, chivalry, and vicious meritocracy. Oscillation between the militant and academic branches of its people has defined its generations following the Collapse. Excellence is the only quality imaginable for Ostvenians, known for their obsessions and longing need for perfection. The mind and the body are of highest value, an Ostvenian must choose to sharpen them in any way possible. As such, Ostvenians have long since filled the roles of society as scholars, doctors, philosophers, artificers, knights, tacticians, architects, and zealots. An Ostvenian must be something completely or not at all. A totality of being is seen in every aspect of their lives from the meager peasant to the most noble of their people. Harsh, snobbish, and ruthlessly competitive; an Ostven will not halt until all is known and all is conquered.

Physical Appearance

It is said that the Ostvenians originated from the highest peaks of the old world prior to the Collapse. Even as they have come out to the lowlands and reaches of Sanctuary, their bodies still seem to long for the mountaintops. Thus, the Ostven is a universally pale creature, their skin often mere shades away from snow. Their hair is painted of light blondes and neutrally toned. Their eyes come in shades of blue leading down into paler greys and near whites approximating the reflection of icy mountaintops and the dim sky.

The Ostven is a lanky and rigid thing. The males and females seldom drop below 5’10 and 5’8 respectively. To be shorter than these ranges is considered a sign of deficiency. There is a certain level of inherent fragility that comes to the Ostvenians as a result, often disparagingly referred to as the “porcelain people”. Men make up for such shortcomings by wearing thick clothes and heavy armors even in the most temperate of environments. They bare as little flesh to the surface as possible. Their skulls are often rigidly carved with sharp and harsh angles, only adding to their already snobbish nature.

White is the most customary of all colors in clothing, seen as a virtuous symbol of purity and a reflection of their very refined nature. It is seen paired with a variety of more vibrant colors to be displayed by itself with only off-white tones but it remains universal for the Ostven. Jewelry, especially gold and precious gems, is excessively prevalent in both male and female dressing customs. Even the poorest of Ostvenian heads of household boast a well kept golden family necklace. The Ostven is a vain and greedy thing indeed.


kdeeks · 5 days ago


01 Jan 2025
Last Seen
10 Jan 2025

The Three Pillars

Pillar of ChivalryAD_4nXf-TbaTO8sgcMXzvCa8kWS1C7vVe2jTaF8pTidi61ZH2DE_nctOwoObTY-lE3rA7RlVhA8HjHnETpPyT7wXYiLd2jizdqpFeRAQ3Jwv5kql_A-Mm15ag-biudjt6-1CZWRssGhi?key=yqf6BPpYvZ73MA0v-gBkrpf7

Honor The Ostven has no more dearly held attribute than their honor. Their honor is the composition of their truthfulness, esteem, and loyalty to their traditions. Honor is the unit by which the cumulative work of every Ostvenian individual amounts to. It is a measure of their life; their purity, craft, skill, and property. Those with high honor are to be revered and adhered to while those with low honor must be shunned and spitted. The Ostven’s very worth is therefore determined by their honor. When grouped, such as in the manner of Houses, the Ostven’s honor is inseparably linked to those within their grouping.


Ceremony The honor of the Ostven is no physical thing, it must be shown and has manifested in physical form by the adherence to ceremonial events and ritual. No great act nor undertaking can be made without some instance of ceremony and dramatic flare. There is no honor to be gained if work is not displayed to others with excessive pomp. Most ceremonies exist as displays; regimental lines, uniform movements, presentation of objects, or otherwise reverent opening for those of high standing. A few ceremonies are denoted here though a plethora for just about any aspect of life; 

Coming of Age

Once an Ostvan reaches the age of twenty, they will be faced with the task of proving themselves while representing their family. Typically, this takes form in a dance, then some grand feat of an independent skill, and typically ends with some grandiose sendoff. The entirety of the event is planned and hosted solely by the newly-of-age man or woman, proving themselves wholly capable of planning, hosting, and mastering a skill. 

March of the Banners

Once a year, all Ostvenians gather to display their militaristic pride. A long march is conducted, with each family joined together in larger groups. A banner, typically held by whichever member of the family is currently or used to be in the military, is flown to represent their house. The march typically goes on for about three miles. 

Scholarly Fair

An annual event where the brightest minds of the Ostvenian people come together to display their research, either in hopes of sponsorships and funding by wealthier houses or simply for recognition. People walk around to look at the new wonders and progress, ultimately displaying their efforts to rebuild the world and return it to the Golden Age of the old once again.

Martial Conduct Perhaps the highest culmination of both the Ostven’s affinity for honor and ceremonies is the duel. A duel can be conducted concerning a wide variety of matters whether they be over dispute, academic competition or the field of battle. The duel is seen as the paramount manner to conduct business in these fields to maintain the least amount of damage to the honor of those involved. The blade is the easiest manner in which duel is conducted by which two individuals engage in direct combative duel over dispute; to manage three strikes against an opponent is to achieve victory. One of higher honor can challenge any of equal or lower honor though the inverse is expressly not true. As a result of this supremacy of swordsmanship, nearly every Ostvenian is capable of wielding at least in some measure.

In a more complicated manner, a duel may be conducted between two scholarly rivals settling disputes over the truth by which authority of one with higher honor is presented to the competing theories and decided upon. Battle, even against non-Ostvenians, is seen as a grand duel. Chivalrous code must be maintained when fighting foes, they must be allowed to retreat and their leaders unharmed. Mercy in such circumstances when defeating enemies is viewed as honorable, as the Ostven proves their superior virtue.

Engaging in trickery is expressly forbidden and brings only the harshest of shame. Duels of all kinds must be conducted with rigid orderliness and upon fairfields. This sentiment extends to all matters of Ostvenian life including trade, marriage, and competition.   

Pillar of Regality

AD_4nXcs-8D4kqbB-JLbuFOSq9NlRHTcjMjSFlh4Qk8e8NpUtomO3KzcJm-9QEL5BE2_HBf9g6OzQ_xlVu9Wmv7zV5ZdwMtQA3eU7kyN-Bne-3I7d0Xqv6bj-4H8EScBR72JjLdnfslGAg?key=yqf6BPpYvZ73MA0v-gBkrpf7Cleanliness In step with their obsessive nature, the Ostven is bizarrely attached to the immaculate. This compulsion begins with their skin. There cannot be bruises nor smudge visible on the flesh if the flesh is exposed at all. The Ostven has only impartiality to scarring which they revere as a testament to being rather than an unclean display. Washing of cloth and body is a daily practice to even the poorest Ostvenians. Frugality is hardly tolerated for an unkept self, attire, or home. The home of the Ostven is also maintained in high standards of sterilization. They are known to compartmentalize and neatly place all of their possessions, everything to itself and nothing ill-forgotten. Temperance in regards to liquor is adhered to as it is seen as a dampening agent to the mind and body, minimal alcohol consumption is tolerated and never in excess.

Beauty The Ostven is beautiful when they are in the fullest form of pageantry and uniform. Aspects of clothing universally surround fine silks, tight uniforms, and precious stone. Men, of all strata of society, wear uniforms corresponding to their work. These uniforms most commonly revere toward their martial traditions; buttons, sashes, medals and capes. The Ostven man’s hair must always be well groomed and a clean shave is the most common practice with the exclusive exception of mustaches and mutton chops.

Ostvenian women are held to an extensively higher retinue of beauty and are held expressly in great regard when such standards are maintained. Ostvenian women adhere themselves to a high standard of brilliance. Beauty is not a matter of luck at birth but rather a willingness to express excellence in every physical sense possible. Compromise is unacceptable.

Fabrics such as silk, fine linen, and shifting velvets are preferable to simpler cottons or other rougher textiles. Thicker examples such as brocades and velvets are used at “taper points” on the body: the waist, wrists, or neck. It’s uncommon to see a more rigid fabric obscuring the natural shape of an Ostvenian, who does not succumb to gourmand tendencies or sedentary behaviors. Thinner fabrics are frequently draped over the wider proportions of Ostvenian women. This simultaneously and naturally draws the eyes but does not reveal too much in the way of translucency or over-conforming.

Jewelry tends to deviate away from rococo grandiosity, but does not entirely do away with the expression of excess wealth. Byzantine-inspired silhouettes often house square cuts of gems rather than round ones or cabochons. Choker-style necklaces are seen more frequently than chained necklaces. Rings are often foregone, barring a signet or maritally-imposed one. Earrings include simple ear cuffs that conceal the upper ear in a simple sheath of metal as well as smaller studs. The feet and ankles may be adorned with simplistic anklets or, when indoors, barefoot sandals. A preference is held for coronets over larger crowns as to not overpower the beauty of other variables to an Ostvenian woman’s appearance. Laurels are used on a ceremonial basis.

When Ostvenian women apply makeup, they should not obscure their natural features but instead only correct them; dark circles and spots may be concealed, but beauty marks and freckles should not be. The shape or color of the eyes can be emphasized or enhanced, but to try and alter the perception of them is seen as shameful. A very light-handed and reserved dab of rouge may bring a rush of blood to the lips or cheeks for daily wear, and a heavier red is acceptable for special occasions.

The official crown for every Ostven woman is her hair. While hair may be worn short or long, it must be lovingly cared for and done with intention. It’s uncommon to see an Ostvenian with her hair down and without an ornamental comb, flower, or ribbon. Ornate braids may be woven into a larger structure, such as a pinned bun or spiral. A more casual and common hairstyle would be a halo braid or something involving ribbon or a hair pin. Exposure of the neck and collarbones is seen as elegant, feminine, and titillating. This also helps bring attention to what jewelry is worn.

Due to the academic nature of the Ostvenians, there is a preference for pale skin. Regardless of skin tone, excessive sun exposure that darkens the original shade is passively ill-preferred. Why should an Ostvenian be working in sunny conditions, or outside at all if not for the pursuit of knowledge? Manual labor is antithetical to Ostven pursuits.

Hygiene is a routine stressed to the utmost by an Ostvenian’s predisposition to obsessive compulsions. Nails are to be kept clean, hair is not errant, and the scent clinging to an Ostven is not merely acceptable but enticing.

Aestheticism cannot impede an Ostvenian’s academic achievements, but it similarly should not be abandoned in its pursuit. An Ostvenian woman strives to catch eyes, but she does not care to draw improper attention to herself. While her raiment should enrapture curiosity, her well-read conversation should maintain it. A naturally intelligent Ostvenian is likely to be held in higher regard than a physically gifted one.

Their insatiable tendencies for uniformity and ornate visages bleeds into their construction. Ostvenian architecture is defined by its grandiosity, intricate detailing, white stones and marble. Structures are adorned with flowing, elaborate ornamentation, including carved facades, gilded accents, and sweeping arches that seem to defy rigidity. Domed ceilings and tall, narrow windows are common, often paired with vibrant frescoes and sculptures that celebrate Ostven great men. Interiors are richly decorated with layered moldings, opulent chandeliers, and striking contrasts of light and shadow, creating spaces that exude a theatrical elegance. Public buildings, palaces, and even religious structures reflect a desire to overwhelm the senses and demonstrate their mastery in both artistry and engineering.

Greed - A deep avarice is ever present in all aspects of Ostven society and all will be sacrificed at the altar of their hubris for the sake of want. Spectacle is what hides this basic desire to gather, a people set on the assumption and control of coin, knowledge and power. A lust for the material has driven their people to hoard as much as possible. Throughout their history they have burrowed, buried, and sealed away overflowing amounts of wealth. They are extremely covetous of knowledge and written work, which they seek to hoard away from the masses for themselves. Their astute scholars are a bane of any university for their explicit desire to take but not give. To have more wealth and knowledge is to be strengthened, and only the strongest of the Ostvenians can hold these things. Truly, the Ostven’s mind believes itself to be the only thing that must clutch understanding and affluence.

Pillar of Eminence

Authority Dominion in Ostvenian culture is absolute and hierarchical, seen as a natural mandate to maintain order and ensure progress. The Ostven believe that leadership is not a privilege but a responsibility to uphold the ideals of their people. Authority is tied directly to honor; those of high standing must embody unwavering discipline, decisiveness, and wisdom. Those of lower honor and standing are expected to render their allegiance to their betters. As a deeply collectivist peoples it is often that Ostvenians gather themselves around what is referred to as a ‘Great Ostven’. A Great Ostven is usually an individual of excessive skill, talent, and wealth. Such inclinations came to create the Ostvenian aristocracy or a collection of families led by ‘Great Ostvens’ who oversaw the various caravans. Leaders, whether in the military, academia, or governance, who are expected to be paragons of Ostvenian virtue. As in all tenets of eminence, it is the desire of Ostvenians to see an Ostven placed at the greatest extent of public authority.



Nothing claws at the mind of the Ostven in any approximation than does the pursuit of truth. To know is to have lordship over the material world to the Ostven. Devoutly they gather, study, and write for the sake of themselves and their posterity. Knowledge is their weapon against the horrors of the Collapse and their shield against decay. Supremacy of the written word and the sciences elevates them above lesser folk, making scholars the architects of their dominion. Libraries are their guarded sanctuaries, and every text, no matter how obscure, is a treasure to be coveted. Their thirst for understanding is insatiable, driven by a belief that enlightenment is the key to eternal legacy. Fidelity to understanding has created a league of explorers, scholars, archeologists, and sorcerers. To the Ostven, ignorance is the only true death, for to be forgotten by the ledger of knowledge is to have never existed at all.

Warfare Such quenchless desire for accumulating knowledge and wealth has led to countless conflict with outsiders and often with other Ostvenians. Therefore out of necessity to satisfy these desires was birthed the Ostven militant class. Scrupulous tacticians and knights came to act as counterparts to their scholarly others to reap from the realm all manner of want. Their armies march in lockstep, adorned in gilded uniforms that reflect their commitment to both regality and dominance. Even on the battlefield, they demand order. Tight formations and well rehearsed stratagems are the telltale sign of Ostven’s warriors. Bulbous martial staff oversee every aspect of their troop and no manner of bloodshed is undertaken without refined efficiency.

Victory is celebrated not with reckless joy but with refined elegance, as every conquest is a natural consequence of astute orderliness. The sword is seen as the only other method by which legacy is carved into the annals of history. Mercy is extended exclusively as a calculated gift to display their magnanimity while securing their image as enlightened conquerors. Such mercies seldom protect a defeated party from the victorious Ostven who becomes like a famished bandit in a grain storehouse. The Ostven views a sparing of life as justification to take as much as possible from the enemy’s coffers and books. Conflict, like all else in Ostvenian life, must serve the greater pursuit of accumulation.


kdeeks · 5 days ago · Last edited: 5 days ago


01 Jan 2025
Last Seen
10 Jan 2025

The Aspects

The Ostven’s Marks


Symbols ↣ Birds of prey, such as eagles and owls, dominate their heraldry, believed to be traced back to the mythical ideas of their ancestral mountain home. Various sects of Ostvenians claim that one sort of bird was the one to lead their grouping down from the mountains and to sanctuary during the great collapse. These creatures often appear clutching laurels, swords, or books to represent the unity of their martial, scholarly, and regal pursuits. Every house flies its colors proudly, with banners adorning homes, carriages, and even personal attire. Medals, emblems, and intricate pins are ubiquitous, worn by all who have achieved distinction in their chosen fields. These adornments serve as tangible testaments to their honor and accomplishments, creating an outward display of status and legacy.

Names History is kept fervently and especially amongst the lineages of the Ostven. Ostvenians commonly have multiple middle-names or compound surnames honoring their ancestors by direct name. Names such as Viktor, Leopold, or Wilhelm are favored for men, while women bear elegant names like Freya, Katarina, or Adelinde. The origins of surnames frequently denote noble ancestry, professions, or regional origins. Every Ostvenian name serves as a proclamation of identity and an aspirational marker of their place in society

The Ostven’s Spectres

Religion As a deeply pragmatic and self-reliant people who prioritize material benefit it is not uncommon to find a non-practicing Ostven. It is only the extremes for the Ostven: either complete devotion or complete irreligious status. Those who find themselves inclined to belief are fervent zealots and no gods speak to the Ostven people more than the Dragon, the Tactician, and the Outrider. Usually it is the highest and most noble amongst the Ostvenians who follow after the heart of the Dragon. The Outrider and Tactician are reserved moreso for the militant wing of their people. It is most common to find Ostvenian houses of worship directed toward the Dragon as only the highest class has the capital necessary to construct the universities, sites, and bankholds. 

Magicks Seen as an extent of personal mastery and knowledge, magicks are well regarded amongst Ostvenians. Sorcery and Mage orders were a common motif of Ostven institutions who bolstered their knowledge and delved into practical study of all realms of ethereal matters. Magicks are perhaps the most regulated and formalized aspect of Ostvenian society. Mages are to be gathered, organized, and to follow explicit and strict guidelines by which they conduct themselves. Court magi are the most common expression of this structure by which Houses employ and direct an expert in things of supernatural nature.

The Ostven’s Avocation

Sport Fencing and archery are particularly beloved, not only as tests of physical skill but as extensions of their martial and ceremonial traditions. These activities are often performed in elaborate tournaments for competition and grand pageantry. Horse races through forests are seen as a preferable alternative to the more common joust, which the Ostven considers to be more brutish than it is refined.
Hunting Hunting is a deeply ingrained tradition for the Ostven. It is not merely a pastime but a ceremonial event. Hunters don their finest attire, often marked with house colors, and embark on carefully orchestrated expeditions in lush, well-maintained reserves. These are often a competitive endeavor, with the prey being caught before and released in front of the gathered parties who then pursue it into the forest. The hunt concludes with a ritualistic presentation of the catch by the victor. These hunts are rarely conducted for consumption of the hunted and most catches are made to be taxidermied or skinned for display.

Falconry The bird is an adored creature by the Ostven. Training and commanding birds of prey, such as falcons and owls, is both a revered skill and a display of status. These regal creatures accompany their handlers to ceremonial events and hunts. Falconry is not only a sport but a symbol of personal refinement. The skill of the bird is a direct reflection of the skill of their handler.



Art Painting, sculpture, and music are held in the highest regard, often reflecting themes of honor, triumph, and philosophical reflection. Ostvenian art is characterized by inward reflection, and is almost universally centered around individuals rather than scenery. Galleries and private collections are curated with obsessive care as both a testament to personal refinement and a reflection of their desire for long endurance beyond their years.

Craft As a practical and materially minded people, creation is seen as a necessary skill at the Ostvenians’ hands. Whether that skill of creation be in matters of silk, jewelry, written works, or weaponry, each crafted piece is regarded as a reflection of the creator's honor. Ostvenian artisans strive for perfection, often sacrificing utility for aesthetic grandeur. Every object often bears intricate designs or symbolic motifs tied to the creator’s house or legacy.

The Ostven’s Brood

The supreme blood lineage of every child of the Ostven is clear in all matters by which they conduct their families. Loyalty to one’s House comes as a given as all of the honor of a household is held collectively when viewed by outsiders.

Children are raised in an environment of strict discipline and expectation. From an early age they are taught the values of honor, ceremony, and excellence, with their education meticulously overseen to ensure mastery in their assigned paths. Sons are managed toward martial or academic pursuits while daughters, though no less disciplined, are directed to focus on scribing, artistry, or the keeping of the household’s traditions.

Marriage within Ostven families is not merely a union of individuals but an alliance of Houses, often arranged to strengthen political ties or bolster honor. These unions are steeped in ceremony, with extensive negotiations and lavish displays that reaffirm the prestige of both families. Love, while not disregarded, is secondary to duty and legacy.

The household itself is a reflection of the family’s values, meticulously organized and adorned with symbols of their history and achievements. Elders are revered as living archives of wisdom, often taking on the role of mentors to the younger generations. Conversely, those who fail to meet the family’s expectations or who bring dishonor upon the House face severe consequences, including public rebuke or, in extreme cases, ostracization.

Gender Roles Ostvenian society is firmly patriarchal, with fathers holding the primary authority within the household. However, the role of women is far from passive; they are seen as the stewards of tradition, refinement, and the household's internal structure at the behest of the patriarch. When a father dies, the mother assumes a dual role as both Mother and Father, inheriting full authority and responsibilities to preserve the family’s honor and stability. 

Conversely, if the mother dies, the father retains his paternal authority but does not assume the mother’s responsibilities, instead delegating the household’s internal affairs to trusted female relatives or governesses.

The Ostven’s Extrinsic

The Ostven, at their core, is a skeptical and insular creature, viewing outsiders with a mix of wariness and condescension. Their preference is always for their own kind, seeing other Ostvenians as the only true inheritors of collective destiny. To the Ostven, the world beyond their culture is often chaotic, lacking the discipline and order they so deeply value.

However, their pragmatism tempers their insularity. While they may distrust outsiders by default, they are quick to recognize and respect greatness when it aligns with their values. Foreigners who exhibit qualities the Ostven admire—discipline, mastery, ambition, or reverence for knowledge—are often begrudgingly accepted and sometimes even admired. Such individuals are seen as reflections of the Ostvenian ideal, whether knowingly or not.


This recognition does not come lightly. Outsiders must prove their worth through extraordinary deeds or demonstrations of skill that resonate with Ostvenian sensibilities. A masterful craftsman, a tactician of unmatched precision, or a scholar who reveres knowledge as deeply as an Ostvenian might be granted a place of respect, though they will always remain at the periphery of true acceptance.


kdeeks · 5 days ago · Last edited: 5 days ago


01 Jan 2025
Last Seen
10 Jan 2025


kdeeks · 5 days ago