Staff Applications
Keep an eye out on the discord to see when applications are open for certain teams, all players are encouraged to apply if they wish to support the server but teams will not always be accepting.
To submit your application, please create a support ticket in our discord for the right team and paste in the following. This application is the basis of what is expected or sought after for each team, however the Team Leads may have additional questions in regards to your application.
Approximately when did you join Sonder?:
Confirm that you agree to the following criteria by saying 'Yes':
Please answer the following questions for which team you wish to join and remove the rest:
What experiences do you have with building?
Are you willing to use build plugins and personal skills for anyone that is unable to do so themselves and the teams?
Are you interested in joining the lore or event department?
Do you acknowledge the fact that you will encounter sensitive information, things that would make you uncomfortable, or things you are not used to?:
Are you comfortable balancing spells for the whole community regardless of personal relationships:
Are you willing to work with the story team for any future lore or event releases?:
Public Relations
Are you familiar with lore and systems well enough to help a new player join our community and answer any questions they may need help with?