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Frequently Asked Questions
Started by SonderFantasy

Topic Locked


19 Nov 2024
Last Seen
16 Feb 2025

Woah, this server seems cool but there’s so much information. Where can I find all the essential information I need to know as a new player?

You can click these links to find the relevant information on our rules, setting lore and staff teams!


How do I get accepted to the server?

You can apply online on our forums! Make an account at https://www.sonderfantasy.com/ and then submit an application using the following format in our whitelisting section!


What is a ‘soft launch’?

Currently, Sonder is open to the public in an open beta period that has limited access to the map at large as well as many of our WIP systems. As we slowly roll those systems out, you all as players are helping us fine tune them and iron out any bugs and glaring issues that we may have missed during these systems conceptions- so thank you for being patient with us and for being part of making our server better!


Is the server limited to Sanctuary? Or can I go out and make my own settlement?

Currently, the server is limited to Sanctuary and the surrounding area during our soft launch, but as time goes on we plan for the server to open up to such possibilities as people going off and making their own settlements and factions within the world.


Wow! These afflictions seem cool. How can I be part of that system?

Currently, our systems teams are working out the finishing details of said systems and as such hasn’t been rolled out yet to players during our soft launch. Additionally, a character needs to have existed for at least two weeks prior (date of accepted application to current date) in order to be eligible for any affliction. 


After the system has been officially rolled out and you have an eligible character, you may make a Systems team ticket using the ticket bot in the Sonder discord to start the process of your character becoming an afflicted character. Additionally, you’re encouraged to post a ‘level-0 profile’ for your character in the respective subsection of affliction you want to participate in for both personal and staff use, which can be found here.


Does the server have a crafting system?

We do! It’s a fully automated crafting system run by a plug-in that allows you to collect resources from resource nodes (represented by player heads) in the world and use those resources to craft goods from your chosen profession. Currently, there are five professions: Alchemy, Smithing, Ornamentalist, Tailor and Lumberjack each with their own respective specializations. Each character is allowed to have 2 Professions at base, though characters with an affliction are limited to only one to represent the large time investment such a pursuit demands.


Most items you craft through our plug-in come out as generic variants which are able to be given additional lore by you with no additional intervention from staff to allow you to flavor your crafts and creations whichever way you want!



What’s our techlock like? Do guns exist and can I be a gunslinger?

Currently, firearms of any kind do not exist within the setting of our server and no plans to make them playable are currently in effect, though that could potentially change in the future! More information about our techlock can be found here as it’s continually updated.


Is the server primarily US or EU based?

Most of our playerbase and our hosting is in the US, but we still have a large number of EU players and staff!


How do people get all those cool skins?! Where do I get something like that?!

Most people are using custom created models which are loaded through the mod Figura! We have a figura guide and figura-help channel in our discord that you can refer to for more information on how to use it. If you aren’t artistically inclined, there’s plenty of people both on server and elsewhere you can commission to make you a custom model for your character.


What are events, and how can I request to be part of one?

Events are facilitated roleplaying experiences led by story team staff that allow players the chance to interact with the world more deeply. Usually but not always, they might be investigating something strange or fighting off a dangerous threat; letting you see more of the world of Sonder! If you want to be part of a specific event, you can always request such through a story team ticket in our discord through the tickets bot!


What is the server economy like? Can I make a passive income or will I be making money through some other means?

Currently our voting plug-in isn’t working, though players will be able to gain money passively through voting for the server once it’s been fixed, in addition to through playershops and the player economy!

What is the server’s timescale like?

Two IC days per every OOC day. Which translates directly to every OOC year that passes.


 Credit to @DumpsterDom for creating the FAQ

SonderFantasy · about 1 month ago · Last edited: about 1 month ago