Records of the Hunger have been long lost with the dawn of a new era. Wives tales still spoken amongst the common folk are shards of what once were. The stalking silhouette of a beast much larger than you or I, the ashen corpses left behind as the sun crests over the horizon. One thing all these tales have in common are...
The Hunger. The Blood.
This affliction can currently only be acquired from an existing Hunger, via player or NPC event interactions.
Functionally Immortal
The Hunger is functionally immortal, assuming one is not staked, beheaded or caught out in the sun. Each Hunger is aware of exactly how they are capable of dying, and have a deep seeded fear of death.
Disgrace of the Gods
The Hunger is hideous, an affront to the Gods of Nature, Life and Death. Each Hunger has its own unique appearance, but all of them are equal in their visage of terror.
Insatiable hunger
The Hunger is never satisfied, it may have a personal herd to feed from, cultivate the finest blood one can by feeding cattle the finest wines and foods the world can offer, but it will never be enough. This hunger is the drive behind the Hunger’s existence, even if they may not know it.
The Hunger are removed from the faithful and enkindled paths. With hunger becoming their insatiable urge and desire, less time is spared for anything else. This reduces their occupational slots by one.
The hunger are unable to produce their own astrium, which is why they are drawn to feeding off of mortals through their blood.
Levels of Growth:
The Hunger naturally grows as she ages, this growth can vary from Hunger to Hunger, but there are a handful of ways to circumvent the time needed to gain power. At each level, the Hunger can choose to restrain themselves, or indulge in their abilities, taking from one branch or the other.
The Hunger can grow in power via feedings, though, simply drinking blood is not enough, they must entirely consume a person in order to grow in power. A vile, yet efficient path to power. Each feeding in this way reduces the time needed to level by a week. At Elder, the time is reduced by two weeks.
The Hunger can also grow in power by infecting a mortal with her tainted blood, sharing the curse with another. The mortal has to be drained completely and given even the slightest taste of the Hunger’s blood before they are infected. The newly sired Hunger will immediately return to life but remain in an excruciatingly lethargic state for the next 6 OOC hours. Upon the Progeny becoming a Fledgling, the Sire will grow in power.
A sire cannot be harmed by their progeny unless their life is in danger, in the event of obtaining or creating a new bloodline the hunger is no longer bound by their former sire. It should be noted that players must OOCly consent to their characters becoming infected.
Additional Mechanics
Blood points
By feeding upon victims outside of combat, the Hunger shall gain Blood points which are used as a cost for some abilities. This is typically a lengthy process, resulting in 1 Blood Point for every two rounds of Feeding.
The maximum amount of Blood Points that can be retained differs with levels of Hunger affliction:
Newborn - 6/6 Bloodpoints
Fledgling - 12/12 Bloodpoints
Kindred - 18/18 Bloodpoints
Elder - 24/24 Bloodpoints
Ancient - 30/30 Bloodpoints
Each mortal is assumed to contain five blood points worth of vitality. The Hunger can safely obtain a single blood point without affecting the mortal beyond lethargy. Draining two blood points results in the mortal struggling to maintain immediate consciousness. Draining a mortal of three blood points results in a lingering debuff for twenty-four OOC hours, increasing the difficulty of all checks until they regain the vitality back. At four blood points, the mortal is inflicted with a lethal wound, and at five they are considered dead. For each blood point, it takes two full actions of drinking to obtain. The Hunger are capped at twelve blood points.
Effectively Immortal
Those who are a Hunger inherently hold an increased rate of healing, it is not abnormal to see the Hunger come back from the very brink of death in a far shorter duration than many others. In practice, this simply means that the Hunger will not heal if deprived of blood, or otherwise not focused on taking care of themselves or being cared for, in return.
Minor |
Moderate |
Major |
Lethal |
Minor wounds heal upon exiting combat*, over the course of 4 Rounds. [A maximum of 4 HP can be healed.] |
Moderate Wounds heal upon exiting combat*, over the course of 30 OOC minutes. [Or 8 rounds] [A maximum of 8HP can be healed.] |
Average of 2 OOC Days to heal |
Average of 4 OOC Days to heal. |
*Exiting combat is in reference to a character going 5 rounds without being attacked successfully, or making an attack themselves. Movement can still be made.
Due to the nature of blood and the Hunger, the loss of excess blood can render a Hunger unable to fight on, should a Hunger sustain a Lethal wound, they are considered unable to continue on the fight, they can retreat, but continuing to attempt to fight is impossible as their blood pushes them to survive at all costs.
Hunger abilities are considered emote-range, unless in certain cases such as melee-abilities or self-abilities.
General Hunger Abilities
Masque of mortality (Bonus Action)
The Hunger may alter their outward appearance as they see fit, appearing akin to any of the races of the world, be it a human or elf, or Shifter or Nymph, these changes are semi-permanent, lasting 24 OOC hours
One of the Night (Passive)
With the new found power, the Hunger are well adjusted to their new nocturnal life. They are no longer shunned by the night, instead flourishing in the cold embrace, able to see as they once could during the day.
Torment of the Livestock (Reaction)
No one knows better than the Hunger how haunting their visages are, and as such, they have learned how to weaponize their fearsome appearance. A mortal who stares into the true face of the Hunger runs the risk of having the image haunt them. If the Hunger and a mortal lock eyes, the Hunger can choose to impose themselves into the dreams of the mortal, causing nightmares that will span a week, and leave the victim without the benefits of restful sleep. While the victim is having such nightmares, the Hunger is able to track down and manipulate the dreams of the victim.
Blood Whispers (Passive)
Warm blood is an allure they cannot resist, as such, the Hunger at this point are able to hear the sounds of beating hearts around them and the flow of blood in the veins of mortals, relaxing them like flowing rivers and distant drums. They gain advantage to [Mind+Perception] rolls to perceive and track down this sound around them.
Mastery of the Blood (Passive)
The hunger now now derives two blood points per level of feeding rather than one. So when a target is fully consumed, the hunger will gain ten bloodpoints.
They can now also feed in the middle of combat by grappling an opponent, draining 2 Blood Points at the end of the round. During this time however the Hunger cannot defend, and will be thrown off of their victim if attacked. The victim cannot attack during this time, but can use their Bonus Action to roll [Body+Athletics] against the Hunger. Upon a success, they break free of the feeding grapple and may use their action to attack if desired.
Object of Devotion (Bonus Action)
A Hunger at this level may pick an individual, this individual becomes the only being who can sate the Hunger’s thirst for the time that they are the object of devotion, and in return, the target becomes oddly enamored with the Hunger, manifesting as love, interest, friendship, or loyalty, it does not matter, but the target is always positively disposed to the Hunger.
This requires OOC consent to use.
Eldritch Whispers (Bonus Action)
Ancients are masters over mortals, should they lock eyes with a mortal, they may whisper in their mind, speaking directly into their thoughts, these whispers will always carry through as a cacophony of voices, no singular clear speaker being discernable and the words impossible to ignore.
Whispers of the Ancients (Bonus Action)
The ancient may whisper in the mind of any person they know of and have spoken to before. This comes across as a raspy and terrifying voice to all who hear it, but the target can always pinpoint who it is.
Ritual of the Greater Being (Passive)
A beginning of the end. The Hunger may conduct powerful Rituals outside of combat, using blood points to expand their knowledge of the deeper world, manipulate other creatures, or manifest abominations. Their fellow Hunger may also contribute towards this using their own Blood Points. Most of such rituals require 6+ Blood Points.
Such rituals can cause phenomena once considered impossible for a singular Hunger, yet confined within the abilities of any Restraint or Indulgence aiding in it. Rituals require an event to undergo, with considerable risk. Some rituals will require certain items or blood of specific targets.
The Unshackling (Passive)
The ultimate conclusion of a Hunger's descent into horrors unknown. This is an event that each Hunger must discover the means to undergo ICly. Upon victoriously completing this event, the Hunger is able to create 3 custom abilities that fit the themes and mechanics of their affliction.
Restraint Overview
Restraint Hunger thrive on hiding in plain sight, on using their manipulation of blood and the darker magicks to manipulate the world from the shadows. As such their abilities reflect a creature that could go their entire lifespan without discovery.
Mire of the mind (Passive)
The act of feeding can manipulate the clarity and consciousness of the victim. Like a fine wine, or hallucinogenic substance, it can spread a variety of properties from painlessness, pleasantry, or even blur the victim's memory of the feeding. When feeding in this method, it instead drains 1 Blood Point per every 3 rounds.
The Hunger can use Masque of Mortality while feeding in this manner.
Bloodletting (Reaction)
Spend two blood points on any given successful attack, even those of other creatures. Additional blood will be drawn from the wound, leaving the target weaker than they were prior. It is not something that can be felt or pinpointed as a spell being used. The target will receive additional minor wound [-2 HP] upon failing a [Body+Endurance] save of 6+ successes.
Sunwalker (Passive)
The restraint hunger is able to walk in the sunlight without feeling its effects
Blooded Illusions (Passive)
The restraint hunger is able to construct illusions from blood made manifest. These appear like the real object they are made to imitate, but serve almost no mechanical benefit. They can however grant advantage to Charisma rolls.
Bloodstep (Bonus Action)
Spend three blood points to swiftly glide above the ground upon bloody mists, guising your visage. Doubles movement speed and automatically avoids Attacks of Opportunity for 1 round.
The Mind Bent to the Will (Action)
Spend two blood points to cast a curse upon a target’s mind. To defend they must roll 6+ successes from [Mind+Constitution]. If they fail to defend, the target will suffer from an immense, thrashing headache, dealing a moderate psychological wound (ignores armor).
The Mind’s Rebellion (Action)
Spend four blood points to curse a target in combat, should they fail a [Mind+Constitution] save of 8+ successes. During battle they will find their aptitude sapped from them, as if their hands and body rebelled against them. For three rounds, remove the two highest success dice from every attack they make. The target will not feel any magical manipulation, only a physical weakness that cannot be explained.
The Blood that Infects the Mind (Action)
Spend five points to curse a target in combat, should they fail a [Mind+Constitution] save of 9+ successes. For three rounds they will attack a chosen ally, lacking all control over their actions. The victim(s) will have no recollection of the event or who cursed them, it will be like waking up from a long slumber.
Sanguine Transference (Passive)
The restraint Hunger is able to leave the task of gathering blood to their fellow kin, remaining hidden from the public eye. Should another Hunger be willing, they may drain said Hunger of their collected Blood Points without feeding. This will hardly sate the thirst for blood, but will provide the necessary Blood Points up to their maximum total.
The Shadow’s Sycophant (Passive)
This ability confers no combat benefits. The restraint hunger forms a consensual bond with another, and is able to appear before them as a shadow wherever the person is. They cannot see any surroundings or individuals, only the person they have created the bond with.
The Shadow’s Bewitch (Passive)
The hunger may spend 5 blood points outside of combat to turn someone mad, should they fail a [Mind+Constitution] save of 9+ successes. They will act manically, attacking any who they see. They will have no recollection of what happened, but will notably not attack the person who cursed them. The target is under this influence for 24 OOC hours, or until they are restrained or knocked out.
The Enduring One (Passive)
The hunger has mastered knowledge of blood and constitution. Once HP reaches zero, the hunger manifests said power to give themselves more vitality. They are instead brought to 4 HP, and gain Minor Healing (+2 HP) per Blood Point spent. This can only occur once per combat.
The Lord of Illusions (Bonus Action)
The hunger may create a familiar in the form of a person, completely changing their appearance, voice, and clothing to match. This form can speak and act normally, but cannot attack or engage in combat. It can however feed for the caster, only granting 1 Blood Point per 3 rounds of feeding. If it is attacked, it can suffer 8 HP before disappearing into shadow.
Indulgence Lore
An Indulgence Hunger is a beast dedicated to consumption. They have thrown off the bonds of civilized life, seeking to consume and leave destruction in its wake. Its abilities are thus tailored to the combatant, someone who alone could terrorize entire villages. To indulge the hunger’s temptations it to invite the true essence of monstrosity.
Sanguine Delirium (Passive)
The act of feeding is brutal, often disregarding the victim they have within their grasp. It is painful, unpleasant, and scarring to experience. Due to the brutality, the victim often forgets who had fed upon them. When feeding in this method, the Hunger is able to acquire blood points in half the time (1 Blood Point ever round of feeding). The Hunger is unable to use the Masque of Mortality while feeding in this way.
Bloody Slash (Action)
The hunger’s hands become talons, lashing out to strike their foe. Use normal attack stats as necessary (if Unarmed, deals minimum Minor damage against armor), and if the attack succeeds deal an automatic moderate wound. The claws can be dual-wielded, with the second attack inflicting a Minor Wound. Requires no blood points.
The Bloodlord’s Strangle (Bonus Action)
Spend three blood points on a paired attack action. If the attack succeeds, the target is drained of blood and dealt an automatic Moderate Wound. The hunger will in turn regenerate the blood points spent and the health taken from his opponent. This can only be used once every 3 rounds.
Forced Stasis (Bonus Action)
The Hunger may select one target and spend 3 blood points to use this ability. The hunger can suspend two targets in the air for 3 full rounds, should they fail a [Mind+Constitution] save of 7+ successes. During this time they are completely immune to all forces, such as damage or healing, trapped in a waking nightmare of crimson haze.
Heartless (Passive)
An indulgent Elder no longer bears a heart, becoming a monstrosity in earnest. They can no longer die from being staked in the heart.
Eyes of the Beast (Passive)
The indulgence hunger’s eyes will permanently shift to a crimson hue, the perimeter dimming to a light gray. With these eyes they cause a small amount of fear in any with whom they make direct eye contact. This gives double advantage to Intimidation rolls [Body+Charisma].
Crushing Darkness (Action)
Manifesting as a shadowy curse, the hunger may cast a blight upon a target for 5 blood points. At the start of their turn for two rounds, the target must roll 7+ successes from a [Body+Endurance] save or suffer a moderate wound. This manifests as an all-consuming pain, blood being drawn from afar as a form of consumption. With each success against the victim, the Hunger receives 2 blood points.
The Strigoi (Bonus Action)
This form is unlocked at kindred level, and adds additional effects with each upgrade. It will always cost 3 blood points, but will last the entirety of combat. Upon use, the hunger begins to twist and contort into a beastly figure of unparalleled strength and ferocity. They give into their desires, and their vision is blurred only to see blood in their vicinity to be consumed. They can still wield weapons and fight normally. These abilities can be used at any point during combat, but only once each combat. See below for the effects at each hunger rank:
Kindred - Add an additional success roll to all attack rolls.
Elder - Add an additional two success rolls to all attack rolls, and one to all defense rolls.
Ancient - The purest beastly form taken. Add an additional two success rolls to all attack rolls, and one to all defense rolls. Once per combat, deflect a single blow for free without having to roll. It does not need to be announced prior to an attacker’s roll.
Count of Darkness (Bonus Action)
Create a shadow that envelops the field. The shadows allow the hunger to attack two targets in the vast area with separate actions/bonus actions. This ability costs no blood points, but can only be used once every 3 rounds.
Flight of the Shadowed One (Bonus Action)
Spend 3 blood points and displace into a shadow, reappearing twenty blocks away from the prior position. This can be used to sneak-attack a single target the Hunger re-appears behind once per combat.
Blood Drain (Action)
The hunger selects a target and attempts to drain blood from them. A pool of crimson liquid forms at their feet, and dark tendrils arise to pierce the foe for the purpose of draining. The target must roll 4+ successes to escape. If they fail, the hunger gains 3 blood points and the target suffers a moderate wound.
Winged Horror (Bonus Action)
The Hunger may grow a set of ragged and broken wings, taking on an appearance to match the horrific creature. These wings grant flight, and a flight speed of double the walking speed, they will last for 15 rounds, or until the Hunger wills them gone. This ability costs 5 blood points.
Greater Indulgence (Passive)
The indulgence has grown to such a power that it is now a menace on the field. During combat, the beast may choose to attack two targets during their turn rather than one (considered 2 actions/bonus actions if applicable). This means they may attack up to 4 targets within Count of Darkness. Their hide is considered strong enough to nullify a single attack of their choosing. They can now smell the blood of those nearby, and cannot be snuck up on.