ℭ𝔞𝔪𝔭 ℑ𝔰𝔰𝔲𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔑𝔲𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢
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Good day and greetings, citizens of Vorona. For those who have not had the opportunity to meet with me yet, I am Wojciech Skarzyn, the camp’s Justikar and overseer of the Camp Council, of which serves beneath me. I wish to clarify a small matter before I speak about this issuance. The Council to many is seen as the ultimate form of leadership within the Camp. This is not necessarily a true statement, however. Ultimate purview of the Camp’s administration lies with the King, who delegated oversight to the Scoutmaster when initial landing here. Upon mutual agreement between the Scoutmaster and His Majesty The King, oversight was then delegated to me, with a council to be formed under me to assist in day-to-day runnings. I believe in pluralism, and so have kept my hands free from the affairs and better-knowledge of the Councilmen, only stepping in on matters of law and order. Had strife come about among the leadership, I would have intervened to find a solution, though by the good graces above, such was not necessary.
This is therefore a reminder that my authority has luckily seldom needed invoking, yet is still present under Sanctuary law and the dictum of our Monarch. I digress, onto the matter at hand.
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Dictum One
The Council of Vorona is hereby disbanded, and thanked for its service. This is not due to any ill-notion of their actions, but rather a preparatory necessity as we begin to embark on our return voyage to Sanctuary. In essence, the Council has succeeded in their task of keeping the Camp in order and its inhabitants alive, and has thus served its purpose. Sanctuary legal practice necessitates that when such ad-hoc offices are established, they are disbanded when no longer pressing, both for efficiency and anti-corruption purposes, though the latter is of no concern in this specific instance.
Dictum Two
The Settlement of Vorona and her inhabitants will set about prioritising the construction of a sea-worthy cog, of which will be used to establish enhanced logistics, communication, and transport between Vorona and Sanctuary. A Captain and Quartermaster will be required when such a vessel is constructed, and eager candidates should pen a word to me privately to be considered for appointment. Prioritisation of the Cog’s construction will outweigh those of further building or agrarian focuses, any ongoing projects will be halted and relevant resources redirected to the construction of the vessel.
In the interest of peaceful tranquility with so-called “spirits”, the only lumber permitted for such a construction will be from already felled trees, dead trees, existing lumber, or lumber seized from finished or pending projects.
Dictum Three
The Settlement of Vorona remains administratively controlled by the Office of the Justikar. Grievances between camp members should be resolved non violently between the aggrieved parties. If such is unable to be achieved, the matter may be brought to myself for council. If any crime is committed, those accused will as always be granted a trial under the Sanctuary or Oleszaki legal codes, per the Defendant’s preference.
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Signed and Stamped,
(For the purposes of RP, any in-character responses may be left in the comments, with the understanding that such are common knowledge.)
A scratchy note from Uma!
"I'll handle the crew, ship making, and captain role. Being a sailor is my job and my calling."
Those who would come to this proclamation would find it completely defaced. Snarky notes, certain words crossed out and made fun of, and other quite unprofessional comments littered the page in red writing.
Most notably, a comment was made under Dictum Two.
Makin a council, doin nothin, then disbandin it a whole week later! Can't make this shit up!
The camp was left to wonder who would make such obscene writings on an official legal document.
A group of moon elves can be seen rushing about gathering materials for said vessel.
Hane somehow in the middle of the constructive chaos grinning