Eras of time marks our world and its changes. Smaller, less significant moments happen everyday but these are our most significant eras in time. Many characters will know of these events to some extent, by word of mouth from their parents, grandparents, and other folk within the still-standing city. Stories can be found in the rubble, yet to be uncovered.
Below, you can find the timeline of the known world.
The Golden Era
The height of our worlds technological advancements, when The One was still alive. Some say cities moved in the sky, men could leap from mountains and soar as far as they truly wished. Railcars moved goods from place to place and the world lived in near harmony. Among these advancements are when the strongest mortals walked the earth, fabled men and women that could supposedly do impossible feats. But with all great leaps of strength comes its opposite; challenge.
This challenge came in the form of a being of immense power with an impossible form, somewhere deep into the Cosmere. This being went by no name at this point, but all that came near could feel the sickly aura that resonated within those it touched. He infected the world's greatest mages, turning them in on The Creator promising them untold power. He gave these mages his power, his magic and with it for the first time ever our god was wounded.
The battle between man and god shattered the world, plunging it into chaos and killing most of the population. Cities were turned over, mountains flattened in an instant and the sea rising to the heavens heights. When the dust settled, The Creator triumphed but at great cost. His wounds were fatal, even to him and in his last moments he chose to cast his power to the mortal realm. Some say the sky lit like never before that night, where the dust of stars fell from the skies, yet who lives to say it true?
The Collapse
The event which captures the moments directly after the death of The Creator. The world shattered and the Cosmere itself shook. With the death of the god that was holding the balance, reality itself started to descend into madness. Laws of nature were inverting, being created anew, or even vanishing altogether.
The landscape changed, rising and lowering, growing colder or hotter in an instant. Trees scorched, rivers dried, canals became oceans and so much more. But amidst the ramping chaos, one city stood firm. Huddled within its walls, the last remaining people of Ascent cowered and prayed. Mages held back the tides and put out the fires. Soldiers helped the wounded and barred the gates.
The end was upon them. But as all things do, the chaos ended and silence hung ever so loud.
The First Generation
Those that remember.
People came out from their homes to find exactly what they feared. Homes, buildings, everything they knew was torn apart as if some unstoppable force had breezed through looking to do nothing but harm. But to give credit to the people, they endured.
They made plans and helped those they could. Cleared rubble off people, repaired the stones to some shamble of the prior beauty, and tried to piece back what they could. After they did all they could think to do, they looked to the rulers of Sanctuary for guidance, but even their trouble stirred. Amidst this, killings were happening aplenty. Those that wished to claim the throne, beggars, peasants, common men, and even nobles slew one another for the chance. For the King of Sanctuary had passed in the chaos, and what is a kingdom without a King?
This occurred for most of the generation, repairs and killings. All until a nobleman named Desmon the Butcher took the keep by storm with hundreds backing him, proclaiming himself to be King by right of conquest. Opening challenges to those that might defy him, but none stood tall enough. For his grip was iron, and his will was steel.
The Second Generation
Those that nurtured.
King Desmon was known as ruthless, yet his heart was pure. He spared no resources until he knew his people were cared for. He wished for them to stand strong and proud, for they had lost their world, and they needed to rebuild. First, the stonemasons were sent to build the walls, and as their tools chipped, the smiths were set to work, so on and so forth, until society regained its hold.
He knew it would not be enough, as the walls and homes were restored, yet a wall without armaments will only stand so long. Soon, he reformed his army, and regained the hold on the town with a firm, but kind grip. From there, the economy flourished, the Imperium was minted, and society had finally been restored. He planted the seed of a long forgotten tree, one that reminded mortals that without leaves, we all but wither.
A new order was ushered in with his guidance, along with the stirring of beings beyond comprehension. Those that pronounced themselves gods and those that devoted their lives to them.
The Third Generation
Those that live.
The world that you grew up in was turbulent, only just mending from the rampage that your parents and grandparents would have experienced. Many of the families without homes relied on those who had room to spare, while others were broken apart by injuries and deaths. Seeing orphans on the side of the road, not discarded but not cared for, is not an uncommon sight. The world is healing, but it is a slow and arduous process.
This is where you stand, carrying the hopes and dreams of those that came before. We carry their burdens, their stories, and their legacies in order to build our own. Stand tall, explorers, adventurers, healers, and homemakers, for without you the world will surely crumble. Build your story, your land, and the world around you.