The families and houses within Sanctuary can be found here, this list will be expanded with time.
House Volari
House Volari, the family of regality and the city’s salvation. Yet, the eyes of jealousy loom over them like a constant, ever present shadow.
House Lariat
The measured hand of justice and the rumors of malpractice fill the offices and halls of House Lariat. Their Patriarch, the resolute Vezio Lariat is a man whose reputation is unblemished, trusted by the King to carry out all matters as the highest Judge in the land. Unfortunately, while he himself maintains the integrity of his house, rumors swirl around his rogue-like younger brother Titus. Accusations of murder levied against him, some believe he did so to escape a separate crime of his own making. Titus stalks about the lower classes, a ruthless and cunning noble who sees no qualm about using the peasantry for his own ends. It is said he keeps his own, private guard, hired from the lower classes to escape the eyes of the King.
Still, House Lariat is a family of five, and is largely independent of the reputation of its black sheep. Vezio is married to Caerellia Lariat, a prideful and haughty noble known for her disdain of the common folk. It is believed she despises Titus more than her husband. Vezio himself is succeeded by two children, a son Vel and daughter Helena, ages twenty-three and twenty-one respectively.
House Asetus
Charged with the administering of Sanctuary’s fields and harvest, House Asetus is beloved for their outward facing benevolence. Yet, the actions and charge of Merula Asetus should not be confused with true kindness and charity, for public opinion is a weapon the same as a knife. Carefully cultivated over the course of her tenure, Merula has weaponized her position as the overseer of Sanctuary’s food supply to gain political favors. It is said that her loyalists and house officials stand guard at every granary, ensuring that her control over the wheat is absolute.
House Asetus has recently applied their leverage ruthlessly. An honor duel recently resolved tensions between Asetus and Lariat over a matter related to Vezio’s rogue younger brother. The conflict? An unsubstantiated accusation that Titus had ordered one of Merula’s captains (and lover, if you believe the rumors) slain over his discovery that Titus had been smuggling stolen grain for profit. The duel between Titus and Merula’s eldest son Julian ended in the latter’s death, and while the feud was subsequently declared resolved, the hatred between Houses Asetus and Lariat runs high.
House Samir
A noteworthy family for their derision of the power struggles of their peers, House Samir is ruled by a strict disciplinary regime. Tyvena Samir rules by the strength of will, and the protective eye of her older brother who guards her flank. It is said that she is the eye on the wall, keeping watch of the family feuds from afar and reporting matters of importance to the King. Indeed, her elder brother Darius is considered one of Sanctuary’s best warriors, second only to Titus Lariat. Darius himself had desired to travel to the frontier, and only by King’s order did he remain in the city.
House Samir is one of the larger families, boasting six members. Tyvena herself has four children, one adopted and granted approval by the King. It is the only case since the collapse of a peasant rising to the echelons of aristocracy, a fact that earns the ire of other houses. As a result, a common insult levied against House Samir is that their blood is undeserving of nobility, that they are peasants playing at virtue and power.
Tyvena maintains the respect of the guard, which explains her untouched position among the nobility. Jealousy runs high, and many wish to steal her power out from under her, taking the prized asset that is the city’s guard force.
House Quillens
Sindal Quillens is the epitome of wealth and status, and he makes an effort to let his peers know of it. Called the ‘Prince of Gold’, Sindal rules the waves as the foremost authority on trade and commerce, and he leverages his position to bring wealth to the City of Sanctuary. Politically, Sindal and the King maintain a tense relationship. The former has publicly put into question many of the King’s decisions, and has opposed the expeditions made to the frontier. Many surmise, and have accused Sindal accordingly, that the Sun Elf is only mounting such opposition to maintain his monopoly on trade power.
House Quillens boasts ten members, the most of any house. Sindal and his wife have five children together, and Sindal himself is strengthened by his younger brother and twin sisters. The twin sisters Valyndra and Isilme are sailors of adventurous spirit, earning a reputation for their skill by assisting the King’s navy. Theirs is a sea-faring house, but they too value in the cultivation of knowledge. Sindal’s brother is an archaeologist, and his expeditions are funded by the House’s immense wealth. What is noteworthy about this fact is that Thalion, the aforementioned archaeologist, is publicly friendly and close to Titus Lariat. The two frequently help one another to succeed in the city, a fact that has caused tension between the trade-oriented family and those who scorn Titus’ reputation.
Still, money can buy power, and House Quillens maintains immense quantities of both. They are oft considered to be the untouchable house even comparable to the King himself.
House Rainguard
Piety and moral direction, Counselor and Lady Quinn Rainguard provides an aristocratic and theological touch to a city beleaguered by the collapse. She is considered a loyal confidant to the King, quite outspoken and quick to deride nobles who stray from Desmond’s guidance. Still, her family is not averse to political schemes and machinations. An only child, Lady Quinn relies on her cousins to carry her soft power to the city below. They are the inquisitors, named Aulus and Claudius, and they boast a ruthless reputation for vigilantism and practices that stray outside the law. Curiously, they have always managed to escape the eyes of the Judge.
Auxus and Claudius are attributed seven murders between them, though no proof has ever been uncovered of their deeds. It is unknown whether Quinn herself is involved in these moves, but the curious coincidence that several of House Rainguard’s nuisances are taken care of draws the suspicion of many. Particularly, House Rainguard maintains a staunch rivalry with Houses Lariat and Asetus. Though such a rumor is outlawed to be spoken of, the talk of high society permeates a belief that Rainguard’s inquisitors are actively plotting to subvert and destroy House Lariat as the authority of law in the city.
Still, the public appearance of Lady Quinn is that of grace and elegance. She is ruthless in speech, targeting any who would allege misconduct of her family members, and the King will often step to her defense.
House Asellio
A house in scorn and low status relative to their peers, House Asellio manifests as the sole, public opposition to the King. While they show honor to his rule over Sanctuary, they do so reluctantly, and are a frequent voice of protest within the aristocracy. As such, their rivalry has formed primarily with the King and House Rainguard, making them one of the weaker houses on the council. Still, their power cannot be ignored.
Markus Asellio has survived largely in part to his relationships among the King's elite scouts. He commands their respect as a former member of their number. As patriarch, Markus exudes aristocratic virtue and makes a note to arrogantly display it, often to the chagrin of the pious Rainguard family. He is protected by his younger brother Tristane and his uncle Ali, the latter being a pariah figure known for his loose friendship with Titus Lariat.
House Asellio has notoriously avoided castle politics for some time, and focuses their locusts of control in taverns and alleyways. This is not to say that they command or seek commoner support, because they do not. It is simply for Markus’ paranoia that they make a point to avoid the watchful eyes of any who could act on the King's orders to belay their ambitions.
House Ducat
A house that has persisted generations within Sanctuary’s walls. Matriarcal in nature, the affairs of the house are kept closely guarded, oftentimes members are seen attending the nobility or official events or outings, but rarely becoming overly involved. Not a house of huge repute but one of some level of staying power that other houses lack.