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Unless the sentence for a guilty conviction is determined to be death, exile, or title revocation, court officials summarily invoke The King's justice. This clause allows the High Judges and The Crown to review the case and potentially pardon or commute the sentence. Royal Judges, Magistrates and Justarians are permitted to sentence convicted criminals to a maximum of two punishments per guilty charge or one for treason and homicide. Members of the Sanctuary Guard can issue no more than one punishment to a criminal or two for multiple offenses. The list of lawful punishments is as dictated here:
High Crimes:
- Treason: Revocation of noble titles and land, branding, imprisonment, exile, or execution. (1 OOC week.)
- Murder or the attempt of: A fine not to exceed five hundred Imperium, imprisonment, exile, branding or execution. (5 OOC days.)
- Torture or mutilation: A fine not to exceed five hundred Imperium, imprisonment, branding, or exile. (4 OOC days.)
- Robbery or the attempt of: A fine not to exceed four hundred Imperium, imprisonment, lashes or branding. (4 OOC days.)
- Kidnapping or the attempt of: A fine not to exceed four hundred Imperium, lashes, or imprisonment. (4 OOC days)
- Assault and battery: A fine not to exceed four hundred Imperium, lashes, or imprisonment. (3 OOC days.)
- Vigilantism: A fine not to exceed four hundred Imperium, lashes or imprisonment. (3 OOC days.)
- Arson or the attempt of: A fine not to exceed three hundred Imperium, beating, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Destruction of or defacing property: A fine not to exceed three hundred Imperium, beating, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Misconduct in or abuse of a noble or royal office: Removal from office and a fine not to exceed three hundred Imperium, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Perjury: A fine not to exceed two hundred Imperium, the stockade, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Counterfeiting The Kingโs mint: A fine not to exceed two hundred Imperium, the stockade, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Forgery: A fine not to exceed two hundred Imperium, the stockade, and imprisonment. (1 OOC day.)Misdemeanors:ย
- Theft, petty theft, burglary or the attempt of: A fine not to exceed two hundred Imperium, lashes, the stockade, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Bribery while holding an ignoble office/position: A fine not to exceed one hundred and fifty Imperium, the stockade, or imprisonment. (1 OOC day.)
- Witchcraft, defined as unlawful use of magic: A fine not to exceed one hundred Imperium, lashes, or imprisonment. (1 OOC day.)
- Obstruction of justice:ย A fine not to exceed one hundred Imperium, the stockade, or imprisonment. (1 OOC day.)
- Evasion of justice: A fine not to exceed two hundred Imperium, beating, lashes, or additional imprisonment once tried. (+1 OOC days to sentences received if found guilty.)
- Impersonation of a noble or royal official: A fine not to exceed two hundred Imperium, lashes, or imprisonment. (2 OOC days.)
- Disturbing the peace: A fine not to exceed fifty Imperium, or temporary incarceration. (3 OOC hours.)
- Extortion: A fine not to exceed one hundred Imperium, or imprisonment. (12 OOC hours.)
- Public drunkenness: A fine not to exceed fifty Imperium and temporary incarceration. (1 OOC hour.)
[OOC Note: The extent of imprisonment or fines can be decreased by a judiciary or guard. It is encouraged to account for a characterโs time spent jailed before sentencing criminal characters, as well as fining criminals in proportion to the crime.]ย