The Executioner
“The sword can be a punishment, and it can be a mercy.”
With blood stained fields, and a sunless sky, a figure stands beyond it all. Where hope meets despair and where light meets shadow, a looming figure is there to comfort your pain. Gentle and kind is the hand that holds yours, yet cold to the touch and a reminder of where you are. Deep eyes hidden behind a pool of darkness that offers only solace when you breathe your last. A shepherd, who herds his flock diligently to the comforts and silence of death.
Death, Vengeance, Wrath, Justice
Common Worshippers
[Guardsmen] [Assassins] [Morticians]
[Grey] [Black] [Red]
Holy Locations
[Prisons] [Intersecting Rivers]
[A Giant]
[Lingering Frost] [Guillotines]
Unbreaking Tenants
[1. Thou shalt not desecrate the dead]
Death comes from Life in an endless cycle, to desecrate the dead is to spite my name and those who live to eventually die.
[2. Thou shalt repay debt]
All actions in life are weighed in death, pay respect and dues in life so that they aren’t claimed in death.
[3. Thou shalt live life honorably and without guilt.]
Live with humility so that you may die without burden.