The Blacksmith
"My Pride is my worth, and my worth is indeterminable."
A hammer on steel is never to chip or fall to ruin. Never let the touch of rust fall onto your workplace, for to dishonor your tools is to dishonor yourself. You are a mirror of these tools, and these tools craft what lies in your heart. To hold yourself above those you believe to be the competition is only natural, as you must enhance yourself to surpass even yourself. To create is to innovate, and to innovate is to be known.
Ambition, Prowess, Pride
Common Worshippers
[Smiths] [Knights] [Merchants]
[Gold] [Navy] [Brown]
Holy Locations
[Training Halls] [Monuments]
[A giant hobbled blacksmith]
[Single edged swords] [Snakes]
Unbreaking Tenants
[1. Thou shalt improve thyself]
Idle hands make for lazy work, always striving for perfection.
[2. Thou shalt not bow]
Be not the dragon’s tail, but the snake’s head.
[3. Thou shalt stand firm yet malleable ]
Stand up for your convictions yet listen in order to learn new practices and techniques.