Renewed Vows
Characters who have existed on the server for at least 2 OOC weeks are encouraged to create a L0 profile, 2 OOC weeks later they can apply a rank up from L0 - L1
Those who meet the criteria can respond to this post while filling out the following application. Initiate into Apprentice do not require a System's team approved goal, but it will be judged on whether or not it is a fair goal within the system. After a rank-up is accepted, make sure to either create or update your affliction profile for your character.
Application for rank up:
OOC username:
Screenshot of last approval and date:
Character name:
Current Rank: Initiate -> Acolyte -> Hero -> Saint
Next Rank: Acolyte -> Hero -> Saint -> Champion
Achieved Oath(s):
New Oaths:
Please keep track of your accepted rank up.
Oaths can be discussed with the systems team upon reaching each tier of faithful.
Initiate (1 goal)-> Acolyte (2 goals) -> Hero (2 goals, 2 sub goals)-> Saint (3 goals, 3 subgoals)-> Champion