The Oleszaki
The thundering hooves, the cruelty of their justice, and the mystery of their courts, the Oleszaki have earned their reputation wherever they've settled. A warrior culture bonded to land and horse, noble and reputable.
The Oleszaki and their recorded history have existed since the collapse, painting the canvas of humandom with their exploits and stories. A people known for their blacksmiths and hardy demeanor, they are northerners by blood and secluded by choice. Over the many years of their existence they have focused inwardly, save the power struggles that persisted in the wake of the collapse. Below will tell of the people and their history, and how the Oleszaki thrive in a harsh world.
Oleszaki are distinctly northern in their bloodline. They are of fair skin, showing a variety of hair colors from blonde, black, and even red. Being horse lords, they are typically of taller stock. On the extremes it is not unusual to see a Oleszaki horseman standing as tall as six feet and five inches tall.
Their colors of choice depend on the house followed, or their tribe if applicable, but Oleszaki have a historical bond to the color gold. Many families will often include it, even if it is not a primary.
Oleszaki cultural dress is grandiose. At the highest echelon of nobility, great headdresses and masks layered with rich gems are commonly observed. Konstantyn Skarzyn’s grandson earned his fame for wearing the famous jade mask, an uncommon relic. They do not view such traditions as vain, and would show shock to anyone who would allege it. Fashion instead displays the skill of craftsmanship embodied in the process of creating each outfit. A mask well decorated will be complimented in regards to the man or woman who smithed it. As such, to be accused as vain is to invite ire.
The Oleszaki are remembered among the cultures of humankind on account of their masks. Masks are forged from metal, worn during battle and major court events. They are never flamboyant in color, usually in darker tones of gray, gold, black, and crimson. Masks are almost always worn in public. People will often remark on strange caravans of masked men and women traveling between towns. This is not unusual for Oleszaki merchants or craftsmen, but is instead an integral piece of their culture. Despite this being a uniquely powerful cultural tradition, the origin of it is muddied by debate. Some believe that a powerful noble popularized its use during the collapse, while others believe it to possess superstitious significance in warding off foul spirits. Both explanations are rooted in some modicum of truth, but the real answer has been lost to time.
Noble patriarchs will often decorate their masks with ornate symbols corresponding to their family and parentage. Gray masks are worn primarily by soldiers, and are made from generic metals to be mass produced. Oleszaki cavalry, considered the pride of their culture, all wear such facial armor.
Rumors of strange ritualistic reverence of the mask culture within certain Oleszaki tribes has led to suspicion from outsiders, who will often label the masked men as strange or deserving of ire.
Women wear masks when in court or during special occasions. Additionally, women who serve in specific positions at court will often wear their masks wherever they go.
You cannot speak of the Oleszaki without discussing their markedly unique culture around upbringing and youth rites of passage. All young boys of aptitude are brought up in entrenched professions that have acted as cornerstones for the culture throughout history. For these boys, the most important are horse riding/animal husbandry and smithing. Oleszaki smiths are renowned for their skill in forgecraft, fashioning capable swords and lances for their number.
Practical education of this kind begins at age eight and is carried on to age fifteen, even at the height of their rites. A select portion of young boys are trained to join the Szyprian Guard, a storied cavalry tradition infamous for their masked visage and battlefield cruelty.
All male children are prepared to participate in the Court of Masks tradition, but are forbidden from wearing said masks until they pass their rites at age fifteen. These rites require that a male Oleszaki demonstrate high competence in their respective profession by completing a task given to them by either an elder or an Oleszaki noble. During the course of the rite, the child's face is painted gray with crimson stripe patterns, and upon completion, will receive what is called a Kajeszt Mask which will cover only half of their face. After three years, the child will complete the tradition and receive the Wyzeszt Mask, also called the Serpent Mask.
Females are expected to demonstrate similar competence, but are given grace in how they do so. They will also complete their rites at age eighteen, much later than that of the males. A mother who has not yet adopted a profession will be given amnesty from passing the typical rites, and a Wyzeszt Mask to honor her unique role in propagating the future.
The most common symbol in Oleszaki culture is the Serpent, believed to originate in the ancient pagan practices of Oleszaki tribes that emerged after the collapse. While a portion of the Oleszaki people have made a strong effort to abandon the old ways, they persist in the symbols and paintings even among the most distant of families.
All manner of variants have been made on the serpent concept. A scribe noted once that a noble family of Oleszaki heritage made homage to the serpent with their famed winged serpent, believed to represent the Szyprian Guard.
Another common symbol used in some crests is the sun. Believed to symbolize the manifestation of the serpent's power, it is often flown on banners during battle.
The Oleszaki boast a uniquely diverse religious landscape. Their old ways, called pagan by some, encompass the worship and reverence of a great serpent. Without name but ultimate in power, there are still elements within the Oleszaki who make sacrifices to this old deity.
The serpent was believed to live beneath the earth, and in exchange for ritual sacrifice would render the land fertile for the Oleszaki people. This belief system was responsible for the early Oleszaki love for raiding, a practice that involved seizing livestock and other riches from other cultures to be sacrificed. These sacrificial rites involved the burning of various offerings that would, in theory, placate the serpent god.
The majority of Oleszaki worship the Executioner, following the tenants of justice embedded in his followers. This transformation occurred after the collapse, and persisted as the dominating faith for many years until the current day.
Both religious faiths led to the eventual creation of the Oleszaki court system, and their philosophy of Justice that is pervasive throughout civil society.
The Oleszaki are remembered for their strict judicial codes. They do not obey dueling rituals, as are common in other societies, but instead practice a regimented court system designed to divvy out just punishments. During all proceedings, the Oleszaki designate either a noble or elder in good standing to preside as judge. In more organized states, the Oleszaki will select a justicar to manage the proceedings, who is often educated in court.
Oleszaki courts do not believe in the concept of a jury, but will instead vest the decision of guilt and sentencing with the justicar or presiding official. To be pronounced guilty is a high dishonor in Oleszaki civic life, so suits and accusations are considered rare and frowned upon if abused. A man who abuses suits and cries wolf to waste the court's time is called an “Olglaf”. This is similarly applied to individuals who engage in frivolous witchunts and other clever games.
Court proceeds with the “Accused” and the “Accuser”. Oleszaki culture frowns upon clever wordsmiths and others who make arguments and debate their craft, so officers representing either party are forbidden. Instead, both parties must represent themselves and present their case to the justicar. During each presentation, the justicar is to act as a “Wybierz Przeluch”, or the “Select Accuser”, where the justicar is expected to rigorously question witnesses and parties alike on the merits. A justicar is intended to interrogate in a way that precludes bias, and significant weight toward one party is considered a great dishonor.
The second side of Oleszaki justice is sentencing and punishment. Oleszaki place a heavy value on punishment, and believe it not as a deterrence but as what is due for any given offense. Punishment is thus for its own sake, not to deter future crimes. As such, punishments range from corporal lashings to maiming to execution. At the lower end, a small time offender may be required to perform labor under the Accuser for a given period of time. This is particularly salient when minor offenses against nobles are concerned. To mistitle a Oleszaki noble might land you in a mineshaft, working to pay off your debt to society, or in the army.
Etiquette is deeply important to the Oleszaki, set forth from the earliest families to maintain the boundary between order and chaos. What might seem tedious or strict is existential to the Oleszaki people. This section will cover how to behave in the court of an Oleszaki family.
The first is how to treat the mask. While most events will not require it, some will mandate it. It is important to wear a mask when required, otherwise one would be committing a grave offense.
The second is the reverence of class. It is considered a grave offense to insult a host in his own home, a grave offense even more so to insult a noble. When the host, or noble, raises his hand, all attendees or courtiers are expected to fall to silence. To interrupt is a sign of low class disrespect.
Boxing is a mainstay of Oleszaki culture. The demonstration of physical brawn and strength is given great respect, and almost all men try to participate in some form regardless of individual skill. Nobles and upper class men participate in boxing clubs, where victory is a sign of status.
Jousting is the second favorite of the Oleszaki. While they dislike dueling, the Oleszaki will take any chance to show off their skill at riding. Oleszaki are also responsible for forging quality lances, something they excel at when compared to their peers.
It was mentioned prior that the Oleszaki possessed a history of pagan worship, prior to taking the Executioner as their patron deity. However, it is important to note that mysticism and the occult run throughout the Oleszaki way of life. They do not exclude magic from their lands, and will treat mages with notable respect.
Cults that retain worship for the serpent have attempted to syncretize the Executioner with prior traditions. This has created tension between those who believe the old ways to be evil, and those who believe that the old ways are the only way to maintain cultural vitality.
Oleszaki are known for their belief in the well ordered world, and that the world will display signs of its order to the people who live in it. As a result, the culture has developed a more mystical bend. It is common to see Oleszaki delve into professions that deal in the job of predicting the future or interpreting the stars.
These mystics are often present in the courts of nobility, and will offer their advice to the principal.
Oleszaki politics are straightforward. They are not racially exclusive, but culturally so. They will actively treat those who bring foreign values to their homes with disdain. Authoritarian political leanings are common, as well as a hatred of criminality, but within that thread is a deep hidden penchant for darker arts. In years past, practices like human sacrifice were believed to have been common among scattered tribes.
Oleszaki are an insular society, and a caring one. They are always taught that to welcome a stranger, no matter how foreign, is a demand of a good citizen. This extends to their general view of charity, which is that each family should be deeply involved in uplifting the status of those lower than them. Hierarchy is entrenched, and is respected, but those blessed to live in the upper echelon are also entrusted with more responsibilities and duties.
One might question why the Oleszaki are so exclusive, why they place such a high premium on assimilation. The answer is that the Oleszaki delineate between helping the stranger and welcoming them as a fellow citizen.
Like all humans, family rests at the centerpiece of everything. The Oleszaki are patriarchal, and all decisions run through the father who is expected to lead the household in public life. Similarly, inheritance is traced through the male, and in the absence of a male heir, land is transferred to the closest male relative.
When no male relative exists, a female may be entrusted with possessions and land, but such cases are usually rare. Family is expected to be a lifelong commitment. To reject helping your children during times of hardship is a grave offense, and in some Oleszaki circles punishable as other crimes are. An emphasis is placed on passing down the virtues, that each generation is expected to contribute to the maintenance of the Oleszaki people.
House Skarzyn
“Our Blades bring Justice”
House Skarzyn is a family of renown within the Oleszaki culture, with some historical memory in other people groups. In the wake of the collapse their history as smiths by trade transitioned to ambitious power seekers looking to raise their status. Inevitably, it was Desmond who culled their plots and schemes, but they never lost their newfound political interests. One might know of the Skarzyn family by their serpent heraldry, or the tradition of their masks, but history knows them by their military traditions and political figures.
The Skarzyn Family is rich with history, but today they are ruled by their young patriarch Casimir-Horacy. He rules the household with his two brothers, who assist in managing their assets.
For those looking to play a member of the family, while slots are not currently open, you can send a DM to Tanalorr on discord to see about options.
Below is a list of current family members and their role:
Casimir-Horacy Cerazy Skarzyn
Family Patriarch
Age: 25
Ludwik-Lazor Adrianus Skarzyn
Family Seer
Age: 23
Romulad-Corvus Jan Skarzyn
Family Diplomat
Age: 21
Wojciech-Urek Bogdan Skarzyn
Family Justicar
Age: 42
The Szyprian Guard, also known colloquially as the crimson guard, is an organization committed to protecting the Skarzyn Family.
Skarzyn heraldry is defined by the serpent, a cultural cornerstone. The serpent will take many colors, including black, white, and crimson. The crimson snake is usually the choice of heraldry for the family's patriarch. Decorated above the serpent is the renowned mask, a cultural mainstay from their Oleszaki heritage. Only the serpent appears on Skarzyn banners, while the masks operate as features of family armor and military fashion.
House Skarzyn, even in the midst of poverty, maintained a strict form of Etiquette. They are rarely crass, always well spoken, and tend toward the grandiose. Some noteworthy poets and philosophers litter the family tree going years into the past for this reason, being accomplished writers and speakers. Their masks are almost always worn, and they avoid removing them in the presence of strangers. To attempt to remove their masks in public will provoke immense ire and on occasion, violence.
Etiquette toward the family patriarch is observed either by kneeling or bowing, and should be repeated when a difference of class is present.
House Skarzyn relies on the hardy culture of the Oleszaki, and take serious their commitment to justice and the common good. The family patriarch will often wear a golden chain around their chest piece as a symbol of leadership but also the eternal binds of justice.
One might imagine a symbol of justice as a set of scales. The philosophers and patriarchs of the Skarzyn family would disagree. Justice is an eternally bound concept, that binds all of life up in it. One cannot live a good and fulfilling life outside of what is just. To be a just member of your family, of your society, and of your people is the mark of a good man. The chains of justice similarly symbolize the value of punishment. They do not believe that punishment ought to fit the crime, but rather that the punishment should serve the good of the wronged.
The name Skarzyn began in the smithing forges. They were craftsmen dedicated to the perfection of their art, avoiding the politics of the age. Yet, even removed from politics, they kept records of their family history during the harsh years following the collapse.
The first of these patriarchs was named Konstantyn, a noteworthy figure in that he stabilized the family's position in a state of anarchy. He protected his sons and daughters from a horrible power struggle that gripped Sanctuary. Yet, for all of his skill his methods were supplanted by his son and heir Ludomir, who desired to put his family in a stronger and more political position.
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