Languages of Volaris
Various languages are spoken within the world of Volaris, the following is a list comprised of known and learned languages. Languages are categorized alphabetically, with listed difficulties in learning. Here you will find the time required to learn these languages. Mentors can only be player characters or select NPCs, at which it is assumed that the characters will have offscreen lessons over the course of the required time.
As time goes on and new cultures are created, players are encouraged to create their own regional languages. With enough speakers, those languages can be added to this list.
Difficulties are as listed:
Innate: A language most know from birth, given that it is spoken by most civilized cultures.
Easy: A language that contains little nuances, words are easily translated back to common.
Intermediate: A language that can be picked up through immersion but is made easier with a teacher.
Advanced: A language that cannot be learned without a teacher, often containing untranslatable dialects and is incredibly difficult to pronounce.
Difficulty: Innate -> 2 OOC months to learn without a mentor, 2 OOC weeks with a mentor.
The common tongue is a fluid language that is shared amongst most civilized races, with no particular nuances.
Difficulty: Advanced -> 6 OOC months to learn with a mentor.
A primal language spoken in ancient tongue, consisting of grunts and various animalistic noises such as growling. It should be noted that beastspeech can’t be used to communicate with animals, and even shifters notice difficulty communicating with those of different clans. This language is considered very difficult to learn, requiring a consistent mentor due to it’s lack of common translations
Difficulty: Intermediate -> 3 OOC months to learn without a mentor, 1 OOC month with a mentor.
Elvish is considered a romantic language, filled with elongated vowels and a song flow. Elves tend to view those who struggle at pronouncing this language to be oafish, and incapable of anything related to the arts. A language that is relatively easy to learn, given enough time and vocal practice, requiring a mentor due to the required vocal intonations.
Difficulty: Advanced -> 6 OOC months to learn with a mentor.
A language of the earth, air, and water, shared by both Nymphs and sentient Elementals. Entil is comprised of three parts, each necessity adapted to the environment it is spoken. It is comprised of whistles, clicks, and hand signs, most words are conveyed in a combination of at least two of these components. This language is considered difficult to learn due to the intrinsics of each word, requiring a mentor.