Upon this day, with the guidance granted unto me by our Lord, I call to consecration our most sacred house and call those faithful unto Him to service. I hath erected, with mine own hand, the first of our humble Church and see to it with the humility and servitude He asks of me. I beseech those whom would call themselves His travel to our Church and kneel before his sigil. Let not but all hear your faith in Him, and let Him see your devotion to His will.
It is upon this foundation I will grow our Church, and provide for His people a guiding hand. We will be His Sword, that which protects the innocent, defends the weak, and strikes down the unjust. Thus is our sacred calling, and a duty humbly charged and served. Let all who would give themselves to this service come to me, and let those of His flock come gather with us to speak His praise.
His humble servant,
Coenraad van der Lelie, First of the Church